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Anoushka Deshmukh

Director of Finance
Anoushka Deshmukh


The SEC Director of Finance oversees the finances of the organization, this includes administering the general operating funds of the SEC, managing Virginia Tech endowments that are under the purview of the SEC Executive Board, financial and business planning for the Engineering Expo, and other corporate sponsorships, as well as preparing the annual SEC budget. The DOF has the responsibility to ensure that the organization is working toward our long-term financial goals and is able to uphold our commitments to the College of Engineering.


B.S. Computer Science ’23

Concentration in Secure Computing

SEC History: 

2021-22 Director of Philanthropy

2021-21 Awards and Scholarships Chair

2020-21 First-Year Experience Committee Member


Anoushka is from Centreville, Virginia and came to Virginia Tech to advance her skillset in the field Computer Science and become an involved member of the VT community. Anoushka has a passion for cybersecurity and has explored this interest in a variety of ways from publishing work on emerging technology in the federal sector under 1105 Media to consulting in the venture capital industry as a Cyber Research and Applied Sciences Fellow at VentureScope. Anoushka looks forward to working at Raytheon this summer as a Software Engineering Intern in their Intelligence and Space division. Outside of school she enjoys crocheting, baking, and traveling.