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Lalitha Kuppa

Director of Administration
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The SEC Director of Administration operates as the chief and liaison between the Executive Board and membership by governing communication between the General Assembly and the SEC’s events, funding application deadlines and requirements, and operations. The DOA also compiles and maintains administrative records regarding the Constitution and Bylaws, Executive Board meetings, and additional procedures of the SEC. 


B.S. Computer Science ’22, Minor in Mathematics

SEC History

2019-20 Freshman Committee Member

2021-22 Director of Administration


Lalitha Kuppa is from northern Virginia and came to Virginia Tech as a computer science student with an interest in systems and high-performance computing. Beyond serving on the SEC Executive Board, Lalitha is involved at the university as an undergraduate researcher, a department student ambassador, and an undergraduate teaching assistant for the computer systems course. Lalitha is expected to graduate this May and has accepted a full-time offer with LinkedIn as a software engineer in New York City. Outside of her professional life, Lalitha likes to read high fantasy novels and take care of house plants.