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Skye Taylor

Awards and Scholarships Chair


The main duties of the Awards and Scholarships Chair position are to administer the faculty awards and student scholarships given out by the SEC. Three faculty awards are given out each year: The College of Engineering Sporn Award, The Undergraduate Research Advisor Award, and The Engineering Organization Advisor Award. Four student scholarships are given out each year: the Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship (two recipients) and the Nathnael Gebreyes Service Scholarship (two recipients). This position is also responsible for planning the annual awards banquet and assisting with the planning of the annual engineers’ ball of the spring semester.


B.S Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2022

Minor in Mathematics

SEC History:

2021 - 2022 Awards and Scholarships Chair


Skye grew up in La Plata, Maryland and began her engineering education in high school when she was accepted to the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering program. She has worked in industry as a lean manufacturing engineering co-op and in academia, studying human factors and ergonomics. Upon graduation in the spring of 2022, Skye plans to pursue her masters degree in systems engineering. Skye also enjoys her roles as the vice president of an environmental coalition and a leader of an all-women’s health and wellness group.